Friday, August 12, 2011

project 52:31 - trusting

Recently, I've started letting Macy have a little bit more responsibility...leave my sight for just a minute.  But it takes trust-trust in her that she won't get lost or distracted & that she will act like a big sister (not a dictator momma), trust in the Lord that He will watch over them for me.  She's handling the responsibility beautifully...and it really helps me.  But, growing up isn't for sissies!  

(And I have to say...even as big as they are, I can still see how little they are.  It took having my fourth kid to realize that babies are still babies, even at two, despite how big you think they are getting & that a big old fourth grader is still a little kid that needs to sit in your lap sometimes.  I remind myself to not miss out on the little-ness that still is because you're so busy seeing the bigness that's just become!)

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