Wednesday, September 7, 2011

project 52:35 - keeping it real

Not only do we want to record and remember our childrens' lives, we also need to take the time to learn our family stories.  To keep them real, to keep them alive.  We are learning (thanks to my husband's initiative) about where we come from, who we come from, their stories (which are fascinating) and their deaths.  Their legacy is only kept alive if the next generation takes a Saturday afternoon here and there and disconnects from the world to learn about their world.  You have to ask questions and listen and make connections and record (because it's so hard to remember!).   It's a beautiful way to connect with your grandparents... 

1 comment:

Pat (mom in love) said...

Oh, Amy, that was great commentary on your day. The picture of Lily walking off with Dovie gave me a lump in my throat! You have no idea how much it meant to her--and I was so glad Bill got to be there! Beautiful insight! I hope soon we could all go out to the barn and walk thru the woods. This trip was definitely a memory-maker for all involved. LY, P