Friday, December 2, 2011

project 52:48 - me do

Independence.  Learning it takes a lot of patience on both sides of the fence.  Ava is definitely wanting more independence-dressing herself, buckling herself, carrying her milk to the table, and walking in parking lots, resulting in tears of frustration when she can't do it like she wants or when there simply isn't enough time for her to take 10 minutes to put on her shoes.  I hate that so much of the time I have a "rush-rush" feeling, I catch myself telling the girls "hurry up, we've got to go!  Not this time, we have to hurry!" all day long.  Momma has got to have more patience so these girls can practice new things because the smile, the sense of accomplishment when one of them does it right in her mind is priceless.  

What started off as "me do! me do!" is now "I do it myself momma".  One thing about it, when we tell the kids to get their pjs on, she's the only one to do it right away, first time she's asked!  There's the silver lining on the cloud of independence!  

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