Sunday, December 7, 2008

Seeing Santa

We took the kids to the open house at the museum to see Santa-it was a lot of fun, but VERY crowded!

Jack told Santa he wanted an airplane for Christmas & then he wouldn't leave Santa. I kept saying "Jack, come on, we have to go, other kids want to see Santa!" Finally, I had to drag him out of there & he starts crying, wanting his airplane! I guess we didn't explain beforehand that he would be asking for his present tonight & maybe getting it later...the boy has ZERO patience, so this is a very hard concept to understand.

Macy told Santa she wanted a real puppy-going right to the source I guess. I think she figures she can "go over our heads" to a higher authority to get the puppy! We tried explaining executive vetoes in this concept...not sure she got it.

Lily's favorite thing to do is play peek-a-boo. She understands hiding behind something & waiting & it's precious. She just thinks it's the funniest thing ever...I have video of it & was going to post it, but I sound like a dork in it, so I nixed that. Just use your imagination!

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1 comment:

Keri said...

I tell you what, when you find what works with Jack in teaching patience would you let me in on it???

The kids are beautiful!