Friday, April 2, 2010

Book Recommendation

What do you think of this?
"The love of God is no human projection, but the wrath of God is. In fact, what we call the wrath of God is really the love of God as experienced by a fool. The wrath of God is the form the love of God takes when we fight it, just as darkness is the form light takes when we turn from it and run into our own shadow. We cast the shadow of wrath; God shines steadily with love, as the sun with light. God does not change. We do."
taken from Making Sense of Suffering, Peter Kreeft

If you want a whole new perspective on suffering & why it exists, I would recommend this book. It's sometimes hard for me to read because of the style of writing he uses, but it is one to really make you think. I guarantee you will never view suffering the same way.

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