Monday, August 13, 2012


We have this thing around here-it's as predictable as fits at bedtime.  Any one child will say "Mom, can I have a banana?"  And a chorus of "Me too!" will follow.

"Mom, can I have some gum?"
"Me too!  Me too!  Me too!"

"Mom, I have to go to the bathroom!"
Yep-you guessed it.   "Me too!  Me too!  Me too!"
(followed by groaning from both adults)

Henry, at 4 months...he's 5 months now, but I didn't get these ready until recently.  

If this little man isn't hungry (or trapped in his car seat for 6+ hours at a time), then he's happy.  He really is.  To my surprise, he's getting good at sitting alone, he now rolls all around on the floor & is even getting his hiney in the air to start scooting.  Slow down, my baby...slow down.

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