Monday, September 10, 2012

A Sunday Birthday

I'm not naming names, but someone around here had a birthday yesterday...and said person turned 37.  We think.  It's hard to keep up these days.  It was a perfect weather day, not cold or hot or windy and after letting the birthday boy take a nap (his only request for his special day) we spent some time outside.  

The big kids worked on their chin-ups.  Macy can, & always has been able to do amazing things on the play set.  She's freakishly strong and flexible.

 Henry pondered the meaning of life.

 Jack is trying to learn how to flex his muscles.

One evening, Jack is in the kitchen with us & sticking his tongue out weird, kind of curling it.  We are both watching him & I ask him "Jack, are you trying to see your own tongue?"  I was right...and he can do it.

Macy took this one for me!

1 comment:

Mammasita said...

What a beautiful family!

Love the new header photo! How did you get everyone to look and smile all together!