Friday, February 5, 2010

You know you need a break...

When you find yourself coming up with cute one-liners throughout the day to summarize your life. I cut FaceBook out of my life 2 weeks ago...and honestly I haven't missed it. My reason is simple-it's a time-waster. God was whispering to me every time I would check in on my "friends" that I always had a great excuse to never check in on Him.

Our goal has been to simplify life, cut out the unnecessary, get back to what's important. As I mentioned, I have abandoned some of the internet distractions, I have deleted all non-utilitarian apps on the iPhone, and we even decided to go to *dramatic gasp* basic cable! Before you start thinking how boring life is around here, to spice things up a bit we traded in both vehicles for a new one that fits everybody & then some extras. OK, now you can say it-we've gone off the deep end. What was to be a temporary situation, it has been interesting & has posed a few challenges here & there but now we're both curious to see how long we can go! I really like dropping everyone off in their respective places in the mornings & then most everyone gets rides home. Its fun to have found a little bit more family time...

Now...on to finding other distractions to cut out!
"To God alone be the glory, to God alone be the praise!"


Keri said...

Amen! :)

Rebecca said...

Good for you...i've been considering doing away with FB as well, but just can't quite cut the cord...perhaps for Lent!

The Brady Bunch said...

Wow! I am impressed :) Hope everything is going well. Inspires me to cute things out of my life.

Gia said...

I am glad you are still blogging. It is an inspiration for so many.