Monday, January 2, 2012

project 52:51 - snow days

Typically I spend 30 minutes putting on coats, mittens, boots, hats, scarves, etc...for them to play in the snow for 10 minutes.  And then another 30 minutes mopping up snow, drying clothes, warming up cold fingers & noses.  But snow doesn't happen in these parts too often, and a lot of times it's so windy they can't play in we take advantage of every opportunity to build a snowman, have a snowball fight, or tromp around in the drifts (I should clarify-by we I mean the kids do this while I stand on the porch & take pictures). 

We had a magical Christmas Day snow-big flakes, snowed most of the day, but this isn't our snow we played in.  It was at Grandma's house where they had somewhere around a foot of snow leftover from earlier and the kids stayed out a long time playing-the sunshine seemed to keep them warm.  

My favorite part of snow?  Snow ice cream!  Mix clean snow, milk, vanilla, sugar all together & eat.  YUM.

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