righty girls,
Keri and
Kassie have tagged me. Keri is one of my very oldest friends-we got to know each other early in college & became even closer when we found out our hubbies liked to spend time together too. We had classes together, did our student teaching together, tend to have our babies together (probably my favorite part!) & have shared our close & extended families with each other through the years. Which is how I know Kassie! Kassie is Keri's sister-in-law & though I don't get to see her much, I have enjoyed getting to know her over the years, keeping up with her through Keri (& her blog!). I admire Kassie because her husband is serving our country & has been to Iraq A LOT. The picture on her blog brings tears to my eyes of her husband seeing their baby in the airport-nothing gets me teary faster than military daddies with their babies...
Here's the rules:
*Link the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog
*Share 7 random/weird facts about yourself
*Tag 7 other people and link to them at the end of your blog
*Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment
1. I hate Mondays-because my family disperses for the week & I love for us to all be home together. I miss Macy when she's at school & I really miss hubby when he's at work. My love language is definitely quality time-I don't care what we're doing, as long as I have someone to do it with, it's all better!
2. My favorite season is Autumn because I really think God shows off for us during this season. How could you ever doubt that there is a marvelous creator that LOVES us dearly when you see the transformation of the trees to such beautiful colors? Or a big, beautiful harvest moon?
3. I still miss my pooch...there's nothing like a dog's unconditional love & even though I have absolutely no idea where he would fit into our lives right now or how I could take care of him, I still miss that smelly old beast!

4. I am afraid of really high heights, snakes, & massive quantities of anything that moves-swarms of birds, bees, ants, fish-even people can freak me out. Not because I'm afraid of what might happen to me, I think it's just the movement of so many things that bothers me...I also have claustrophobia, so maybe that plays into it. We went snorkling in Mexico one time & I was fine to see one fish at a time, but when we swam into a school of fish, I didn't know I could swim so fast!!!! I decided to take my chances with a baracuda than to stay in that mess of fish!
5. My most favorite place to be growing up was with my grandma. She was the funnest grandma you could ever imagine, not because she would bake cookies (although she was a great cook) but because she was constantly doing something fun. She built us a treehouse, let us drive the pick-up, had a stock tank in the driveway to swim in, always had some animal to take care of (I can remember more than once a baby calf living on the back porch in the winter! Can you imagine?). I remember driving the grain truck with her, sometimes riding in the back & eating wheat on the way to the elevator & one night she drug a mattress out in the front yard for us to sleep on to look at the stars. I'm sure our adventures stopped my mom's heart more than once, but as kids, we had fun! This is also a woman whom I've never heard say a bad word about another person, never gossip & always willing to do the dirty work.
6. I want someone to nominate me for What Not to Wear-seriously! Except, they would have to change the name of the show to What Does this Woman Wear? I have no winter wardrobe & no idea of what to buy to fix this problem...I think it would be awesome to go to NYC & spend $5000 with 2 personal shoppers, then have your hair & make-up professional done for you!
7. Someday, I want to spend a month (or longer) in Italy. Sigh...
OK, that was tough! I tag Cara, Tracy, & Tera...I'm breaking the rules by not listing 7, but that's about the only ones I know! Good luck ladies!!