Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Verdict!

Well...I give the green bags mixed reviews. I do think that across the board, they helped the produce last longer (bananas being the exception) BUT not as long as they claim on TV! The big winners were strawberries, leaf lettuce, cilantro & tomatoes. The peppers didn't make much difference, or the carrots & I think that my limes grew mold pretty quick-some of this being the fault of the dang heat maybe more than the bags. So, I will probably buy the bags again when I run out (they are reusable 8-10 times) but I won't plan on anything lasting more than a week & a half.

My disclaimer, this was not a scientific experiment-just my perceptions!


Scrappymommy said...

I'm glad to hear that, my kids have been hounding me to buy those all summer! I don't know why, it's not like they eat a lot of salad! Amy Lester
hey check out my blog

Keri said...

Good to know! :) Love your new layout! :)

Tera said...

Thanks for letting us know! After your post I did buy some, haven't used them yet! Anyone who knows Justin very well knows we don't have a lot of fresh veggies around here! I love them but just can't eat them fast enough! Duh! Maybe now with the bags...

Welcome! said...

Hey... do you know that Tupperware has a celery and lettuce crisper - its keeps stuff for longer than 2 weeks fresh! Check it out the next time you are over