Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Crazy.  Frantic.  Wild.  Hectic.

Yes, I'm talking about the last week of school.  And, as if there isn't enough going on with finishing up school for the year, I also thought it would be a great time to have a garage sale.  And plant a garden.  And we had to say goodbye to friends family as they moved away.

But, here I sit having lived through it all (with the help of my hubby, my mom-in-love, and several friends) on the first official day of summer.  Whew.

I did forget my sweet little carpool the last day of school (still kicking myself over that one).  I did cry like a baby when I told Macy's teacher thank you for being the most wonderful, caring, awesome teacher this year.  I had an embarrassing "moment" at the library with the kids (that story to follow).  I cherished last moments & kisses on a sweet little head that brought tears to my eyes every single time.  I found out that distance makes you stop & appreciate things you take for granted...

All of this made it a very humbling week.

But because I've done a lot of tears, I have to tell something funny.  Maybe not funny, but hopefully relatable in that "I've been there!"-with-a-chuckle kind of story.

Macy wanted to go to the library.  I hate going with the kids, but relented.  After both of my older kids "humbled" me in ways I won't write about because they are old enough & should know better (& it's really still not funny), we had books picked out & ready to go.  I went to get Lily & Ava from the stuffed animal pile & Lily asked for her books.  I told her I would get them for her in a minute.  She stopped in the middle of the library, and in a very loud voice yelled "I SAID I want my books!" Complete with a stomp of the little foot.   Cue all heads in library turning to look at us.  I looked at her, she looked at me.  Then it dawned on her what she had just done & she proceeded to run from me with her hand on her hiney yelling "Momma!  I don't want a spanking!!!"  Oie.

Just for the record, no one got to keep their books that day...I turned them all in.  And we are never going back to the library again, forever.  

1 comment:

Joshua R. said...

Lol, was it like a Wild West moment, guns ready to draw?