Thursday, November 18, 2010

Handmade Calendula Lotion

If I've learned anything with Lily's eczema it's that no one thing works for everyone...and sometimes something that worked at one time doesn't help anymore.  It's a constant tweaking process to figure out how to manage her "hurty" skin.

Fortunately for me, though I wish she didn't have this expertise, I have a dear friend who has dealt with much worse eczema with her little boy for longer than I have had to & she is a constant source of ideas & encouragement for me.  One thing she suggested that really helped is this:
Here's where you get is handmade & all natural & really works on Lilybug.  She has handmade calendula soap as well-we use both on her (just have to keep it out of her eyes).  But it's the first product that actually delivers.

This was what Lily looked like a few weeks ago:
 Now, she's almost completely clear!

(Following another suggestion from Cara, when it gets really bad we also use hydrocortizone cream, then this lotion, then apply either Vaseline or actual Crisco & that clears her up in about 2-3 days.  I just hope to maybe help another baby with this awful condition!)

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