Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Conversation with Jack

Jack gets in the car with a whole bag of popcorn & shares some of it (a handful each) with Lily & Ava.  While this is commendable for Jack, Lily asks for more...and more.  I hear Jack saying "If you don't slow down eating that I'm not going to have a whole, whole bunch for me!"

I interject "That's right Jack, that's just what I remember the bible saying.  Jesus says to make sure YOU have lots and lots and to not worry about your neighbor."

Jack thinks for a minute (imagine him with a stocking hat on & shaking his head back & forth), then he says "Well...YOU need to be reading the bible more because that's not what it says at all.  It says you should share."  And he proceeds to eat his popcorn.

Jack doesn't get sarcasm.  At all.

(But he's sure cute when he sleeps!)

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