Friday, March 18, 2011

Project 52:11 - finding peace within chaos

As a momma you have to find ways to recharge, to find moments of calm despite all the chaos around you. Sometimes its rising before the kids get up, or it's naptime...or sometimes its a week at the beach with one of your very best friends and all of your kids, listening to the surf and feeling the calm, the peacefulness in God's beautiful creation.  Very few things leave you as speechless as the ocean-it's size is almost overwhelming, the smells, the sounds so unique.

The crash of the waves drown out the noise and the kids just played-splashed & frolicked & dug.  They were affected by the water too, it worked it's magic on them as well...everyone was happy and in awe and no one complained or cried (much). 

This is a place we will go back to, I'm sure of it!

"I've got a peaceful, easy feeling..."

1 comment:

Keri said...

Thanks to your very descriptive details of Port A I can't wait until we can go. Hopefully this week mom and dad can nail down their vacation time. :) Load up and go with us.