Monday, September 20, 2010

Cooking & Blessing

This Saturday, some of my closest friends came over to my house to cook.  Let me tell you, we COOKED!  It's the third time we've done this and it is so much fun, I want to encourage you to do it as well.

Two of us gather recipes and place a bulk order through Sam's, which is where the savings comes in.  Then, on Saturday, the ten of us all work together to prepare usually 6 meals for each of our freezers.  We dice, we saute, we assemble & measure-and within about 2 hours my kitchen is back to normal (maybe a little cleaner even!) and I have meals for the upcoming month tucked away in my freezer.

This is also a time for the dads to have bonding time with their kids-I'm not sure what each of them do, but I know mine love having Dad to themselves for a couple of hours (I think big Sonic drinks are usually involved!).

It is a blessing to have the meals for sure, but to take the time from our busy schedules & get together to laugh & catch up on stories-I love my kitchen filled with all the girls!  I planned to have pictures this I planned to do last time, but we are so busy with preparing that when we got started I forgot to grab it!

Get your friends together & make some meals-you'll be so happy you did!!

1 comment:

Keri said...

It is so much fun! :P I actually think we need to do this more often so that I don't have to cook on my own ever!! :)