Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Our Family Reunion

Still catching up from our summer! (And, because this is so much more fun than doing the laundry that is threatening to overtake my living room.)

In July, my dad's family had a reunion. We met at the park & had a potluck lunch, then ended the day at the amusement park.

To say it was fun is an understatement. I think for the first time in a long time all of our family was together at some point during the day-no missing brother, or hubbys that couldn't make it, or other family members that had other arrangements. With all of our busy schedules, we all found time to get together and it was wonderful.

You family is the best (including my mom's side & my hubby's sides too!). We love each other...we care about each other...we help each other...we laugh together and all of us are still together (very rare in today's society)...we have been blessed.

God has abundantly poured out His love on our family.

All the uncle & aunt weren't able to make the picnic.

Grandma & Grandpa, who became Grammy & Grampy when the greats came along...

It was most definitely one of the hottest days we had in the month of July because there was no breeze & it was very humid. But, kids are crafty and most definitely drawn to water & it didn't take long for them to see the fun in the cool water.

Lily, always the lady, tried to keep her dress dry.

One of the ways our family has been blessed is with beautiful, beautiful babies...ranging in age from almost pre-teen (can't believe it) to a few months old, my grandparents have 15 great-grandchildren. This is the newest little chubby cheeks-don't you just want to squeeze her?? So adorable!

The men cooked...with a big fire. They go together, right?

Macy with my Uncle Bill, who is the youngest brother. He was still in high school when I was little & I had a deep attachment to him. He's always been a kid at heart!
I love this picture of my grandpa...when I think of him ready to go or "dressed up", in my mind I see this hat-it's as much a part of him as his mustache.

All the girl cousins
No picture of the boys because guys don't like to take organized pictures.

Some shots from Wonderland...

I can't wait for our next reunion!

1 comment:

Keri said...

The love your family shares is truly special!