Monday, September 27, 2010

Perspective through Forgiveness

I have had this issue bugging's been eating at me, taking more of my thoughts than it deserved, and I have responded in kind-being less than grace-filled when dealing with this issue.  But, finally, I bit the bullet (so to say) & went to reconciliation this past Saturday.  Talking with my priest, he was able to give me wisdom and from his perspective (removed from the situation) told me how to work on getting past this.  I left, still feeling a little begrudging towards it but trusting in the beautiful transforming power of this sacrament.

Over the weekend, slowly, the transformation took place...I started to pray about it, even though I told God I didn't want to!  I was able to let go of the resentment & by today I could see a whole different perspective on the issue.  Turns out, it was so much MY issue without any outside influence!  Taking Monsignor's advice & my husband's, I waited instead of reacted and was saved of making a huge mistake.  I finally got serious about taking a problem to God (through reconciliation) and He helped me work it out, lifted the blinders off my eyes and showed me a true perspective.  It seems I was in a perpetual spiral of one negative thought after another-by praying for this issue to be resolved & consciously making an effort to not have negative thoughts, it's a whole different ball game!

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