Saturday, October 9, 2010

We DID it!

We ran the race...fought the good fight...and didn't come in last!

Keri was there first & texted me, saying WHAT have we signed up for??? It's so official!!  We had numbers and cool sensors for our shoes and vehicles with lights to stop traffic!

Within the first block, I was thinking to myself why exactly do we as humans find this fun??  Somewhere around the quarter mile mark, I turned to Keri & said that the adrenaline had wore off and I was not finding a good pace...then we started the music.  And, I thought I could run for miles and miles...we had our groove!  The weather was perfect & crisp & beautiful...and I remember thinking how pretty the tree-lined street was.

Well, that groove lasted for awhile-we did "run" past a friend's house that were out on their porch to cheer us on (so encouraging to see them!) and "ran" past my precious family that had parked half way to cheer us (that was a big boost in the confidence!)...but then we both had a stitch in the side & decided to walk.

We finished & that was our goal...our time isn't impressive (37 min) but I proved to myself that I can run a 5K & live to tell about it.  Don't think I mentioned before, but our "training" for this consisted of taking a month and a half off of exercise in all forms & eating a lot of cookies the day before while helping set up for the carnival sweet shop.  I'll have a book out at the end of the year, if you want to follow our regimen.

In the end, I really enjoyed it...and actually might try & run some more 5ks.  Keri-I'm so glad you ran with me...wouldn't have wanted to do it with anybody else soul sista!  Love ya!

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