Monday, January 3, 2011

Back in the Saddle

Every year, three years running, at the end of Christmas Break I get this very strong desire to pull the kids from their precious school & homeschool.  Now, before you think it's because we have had such a peaceful, every-one-got-along-so-we-should-be-together-all-day kind of time, I want to assure you it's purely selfish driven.

The fact is...I hate getting out of bed in the winter mornings.  I want to stay snuggled under my BIG, huge, fluffy comforter and quilts and flannel sheets and snooze just a little bit longer.  If I was teacher, we would start school at about our front of the fire...and my kids would subsequently be behind in the learning department I'm sure, but it sounds soooo good in the mornings!

But, since I didn't do that...again...this year, Macy started back to school today, Jack will tomorrow and I'll get out of bed & put on something besides pj's (learned that lesson the embarrassing way-fender bender on the interstate & had to get out of the car in my mis-matched pjs, not pretty.) and take the kids to school.

Christmas was just how it was supposed to be this year...I loved it.  In fact, our whole break was a really fun, relaxing time with family & friends.

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